Happy Friday, RISERS! I hope this week has been good to you. We have come to the end of the first month of 2025. I hope your January was a little calmer than mine. In addition to all the other things that have happened this month, I was involved in a car accident on Monday. I know that trials test you to see what you’re made of, but I hope February is VERY boring.
Happy Birthday to all of you who turned a year older this past week. Also, Happy Anniversary to you and your loved one for reaching another milestone year together.
Quote of the Week: “February is an uncertain month, filled with the flavor of anticipation.” Gladys Taber
Song of the Week: This week, I want to flashback to the year 1988. Natalie Cole released a cover of the Bruce Springsteen song “Pink Cadillac.” Back when there were actual videos on MTV, this song had plenty of airtime. The song was so popular that it made the top ten.
Joke of the Week: Why do pistons make such bad employees? Because they only work after they are fired.
Nugget of Wisdom of the Week: I’m sure you have noticed the car theme, and there is a point to it. Since the middle of December, all three of our vehicles have been involved in some sort of scrape. So, this week, I wanted to give you a list of what to do when you are involved in an accident.
The first thing you need to do is remain calm. Though I have been in an accident before, this past week, I was a nervous wreck. I forgot the basics. So, take a deep breath and then continue with the following.
- If you can pull over safely, get to a safe place. Once you have stopped, ensure you are not injured and need the police. Be sure to check your area, as some cities do not send the police to an accident unless there are injuries.
- Next, remember to grab your proof of insurance and exchange information with the other party, including their name, make of vehicle, proof of insurance, and pictures of the damage.
- Lastly, when talking with the insurance company about the claim, calmly explain what happened. If possible, create a drawing to represent how the situation occurred.
Shout Out of the Week: This week, I want to give a shout-out to all the people who work in the insurance industry, assisting people with claims of loss of property. Thank you for being there to help them pick up the pieces.
Have a great weekend. Remember, you are most awesome, and YOU ROCK!
Marion Rhines is a foster-turned-adoptive parent. She lives in Knoxville, Tenn., with her husband and five children. She has written and published two children’s books as well as two foster-care-themed novels. She has a Facebook blog, Tips from the FLIP Side, and enjoys working with children of all ages.