How To Supercharge Your Motivation Every Day

If you try to do something great, you’ll inevitably encounter obstacles. The more
obstacles you encounter, the more difficult it is to keep your motivation at a high level. In
these moments, you need techniques to fuel your motivation engine. Here are 8 simple
ways you can supercharge your motivation.

  1. Focus on the things you can control. The more you focus on things out of your
    control, the less motivated you’ll feel. When you focus completely on things you
    can control, you’ll realize that you can quickly and easily change your situation.
    Every day, focus on the things right in front of you. Don’t waste your time or
    energy on things out of your control.
  2. Constantly remember your purpose. Why are you pursuing a goal or dream in
    the first place? What is the big, audacious purpose that motivated you to embark
    on the journey? More time with your family? More money? Getting the dream
    job? To keep your motivation high, constantly keep your purpose in front of you.
  3. Celebrate the small wins. It’s important to keep the big picture in front of you,
    but it’s also crucial to celebrate the small wins. Remember, you climb a ladder one rung at a time. You’re reaching your goal one step at a time. Celebrating the
    small wins will allow you to see the progress you’re making and increase your
    motivation levels.
  4. Act first, feel later. One of the best ways to get your motivational juices flowing
    is to simply take action. If your goal is to read fifty books in one year, sit down
    and read a book for five minutes. If your goal is to lose 50 pounds, go for a 10
    minute walk. It’s common for motivation to follow action. Once you take the first
    step, you’ll feel motivated to keep going.
  5. Do visualization exercises. By visualizing your goal, you bring the future into
    the present. As you visualize your dream job and all the benefits it will bring,
    you’ll feel your present motivation skyrocketing. As you think about what it will be
    like to double your income, the obstacles you’re facing will melt into the
  6. Break your big goal into small goals. Depending on your ability to focus, it
    might be necessary to break up the goal into segments that last anywhere from
    one week to 12 weeks. This way your brain can experience success and logically
    see a positive long-term outcome. You’ll procrastinate if the path looks too
  7. Repeat affirmations daily. Affirmations help you believe that you’re going to
    achieve your goal. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, burned out, or low on
    motivation, saying things like, “I AM on my way to a healthy body,” can help you
    keep going.
  8. Surround yourself with people who motivate you. One of the most effective
    ways to boost your motivation is to surround yourself with other people who are
    motivated. If you’re building a business, spend time with other passionate
    entrepreneurs. If you’re working toward a goal weight, join weight loss support
    groups. You need encouragement and support as you pursue your goals.

These ideas may be simple, but they’re profound. Put these to work in your own life and
watch the success appear before you.

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